We woke up this morning at 9:30AM, looked out the window and surprise, it was snowing.
Nos despartamos hoy a las 9:30AM, nos asomamos por la ventana y sorpresa, estaba nevando.

The last time it snowed here was 8 years ago.
La ultima vez que nevo aqui fue hace 8 años.

According to the News, all schools and most businesses are closed.
Segun el periodico, se suspendieron todas actividades escolares y laborales.
Not much sense trying to go out. Getting into town means walking down some uneven steep sidewalks and no telling how slippery they're going to be. There's a convenience store nearby in case we really need something. Lucky we have plenty of food in the house.
No hace mucho sentido salir. Llegar al centro require bajar por banquetas irregulares y no se sabe que tan resbalosas estan. Hay una tienda Oxxo si acaso no urge algo. Suerte que tenemos comida suficiente en casa.

My kids are hoping that it will snow in Yahualica. It hasn't snowed in 10 years!