Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti and the MA Senate Race

How can these two subjects be connected?

Not surprisingly, they are connected by the news coverage on CBS, CNN and FOXNews. Rather the tone and emphasis of the coverage.

What little coverage of the MA Senate there was on CBS and CNN was limited to bemoaning the effect of the Tea Party Movement and the Haiti coverage concentrated on bewailing the slowness and insufficiency of the American response while praising the peacefulness of the Haitians response to the tragedy.

On the other hand FOX's coverage of the MA Senate race examined the issues behind the polls giving spokesmen for both sides ample opportunity to express their views without being shouted down by the likes of Al Sharpton or Barney Frank. Similarly, FOX had reports covering the range of political and logistic problems that got in the way of moving faster to get aid to the Haitians. It also pointed out and showed videos of areas where people were on the point of looting in a state of utter lawlessness.

OK, deny that FOX is a legitimate news source if you insist. But do it after you have watched the FOX NEWS hour for a month or even a week. Just watch and listen, you don't have to like and agree. Then go back to CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and see how slanted, superficial and "politically correct" they are.

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